7 Steps To Kickstart Your College Life in 2022

Make Your College Life Much More Easier for You.

Judah Owolabi
5 min readJul 23, 2022

College is nothing like high school. But we’re sure you already know that. What you probably don’t know, is how to prepare yourself for it.

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College is NEVER the same as high school. Once you graduate from school, it’s the end of your ‘protected’, school-kid life. And no, neither is college what they depict in movies; reality is quite different from the virtual portrayal of it. That, however, does not mean you won’t let your nerves rest just because you’re entering college. Ask any of your older friends or siblings and you’d know that these are going to be the best years of your life. But treading a new territory is always a little intimidating. So, we tell you steps to kickstart your college life.

  • Get Organized
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Developing a strong, structured time management routine is crucial to being successful in college. Your first semester will set the tone for your following four years. A High GPA must be much easier than trying to bring up a low one. Being organized will also keep you healthy, reduce your stress levels, and prevent fatigue. Work on maximizing your time between the hours of 8 am and 5 pm, Monday through Friday. Take advantage of free time between classes to work on homework, projects, career development, and exercise. This will free up your evenings and weekends for additional activities, rest, and relaxation. Then, spend a few hours at the end of the weekend to review and plan for the following week.

  • Have the right balance
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Studying and chilling are both parts of the student experience, but try to strike an equal balance. It’s an exciting time, you have got into a new routine, and will make a lot of new friends, a new schedule, and experience everything college life has to offer. But it’s also important to give yourself some time and plan things accordingly. Maintain the right balance between studying and leisure. We bet you need both!

  • Take Every Opportunity Available
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There is a lot more to explore in college than just coursework. Be open to new opportunities to make your college experience better. Every college provides a good range of opportunities either in social/curricular or in an educational context. College life is the perfect time to try out new things, whether it’s joining a sports team, signing up for society, taking part in a volunteering scheme, or learning a foreign language.

Know Your Campus

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You should consider your college campus as your home. As you know everything about your home, the same way you should know everything about your campus. No matter if your campus is spread across the city or is self-contained, it can be all too common to get lost from time to time. Try to become familiar with the campus as soon as you join. Explore the campus during breaks and free time. This will help to take the stress away from getting to your lectures on time and not be late while searching for your class. Although this may not be possible for now with online classes or if your college has resumed in-person classes.

Choose The Right People

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Some people make friends with people who are only good-looking or smart. But that’s not how you build a life-long relationship. You should make friends with those who, you are

Comfortable with. Don’t get influenced by a person’s external character. This is where you learn to judge people and understand people better.

Develop a Routine

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Treat online college the way you’d treat your normal college. Your education is important so scheduling the right time each day to focus on it can make a difference. This schedule allows you to get everything done without feeling like you neglected anything. Wake up at the same time each day or each week to study and commit to it. This will help to formalize the online experience, but it’s a good way to prevent the responsibilities of work, life, and school from pilling up at once.

Remember, You are not alone

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You may feel low sometimes, you may feel sad, and you may have a bad day, but remember, you are not alone. Everyone here is to help you, support you, and motivate you. Never feel demotivated or lonely with something unpleasant. With a few rotten apples in the barrel, do not forget you also get a few good ones!

Do Things That Make You Happy

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While you have a full load of projects and assignments, it’s good to take out time with ṣyour family or to pursue a hobby. If you like to cook or paint, you must take the time to do it. Make sure you video call your college mates and be a part of all the virtual parties and fests where you don’t have to think about your outfit.

A college is a place where we make the best memories be it virtually or physically. Explore more, stay happy, and make splendid memories as you are going to cherish this time forever. Follow these tips and you can thank me later!

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Judah Owolabi

I Write about Personal Development and Finance. You can reach me here judahowolabi@gmail.